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This page leads to the database that provides information on candidates that we believe the public should know about.  It is not a complete list by any means but rather a filtered list.

The Board of Election Commissioners for the City of Chicago definately shall not publish this information, even though it is all public information.  Everything you shall see is public information.  You shall not find this database anywhere else except here at

Why we created this database.

When Wayne was looking over the petition papers for a particular candidate, he noticed a name/signature of a person that was from the alternative party.  A Democrate had signed for a Republican.  Just to confirm, he wanted to look at the voter record for that person.  After all, it is public information.

When he went to the viewing room to look over the information and could not get to it from the computer terminal, he posed the question as to why he could not see the information.

The first explanation he was given, in effect, said that the computer program was slightly changed so that a voters history could not be displayed.  Wayne then told that Board employee, it's public information.

This employee then approached his supervisor, who was also told by Wayne that the information is public information.  From there it went up to the 8th floor of 69 W. Washington, home of the Administration of the Board of Election Commissioners.  It was later discovered that the matter ended up in the hands of the newly sanctioned Freedom of Information Act Officer, Joan Agnew.

Wayne had to wait for a reply from Agnew.  To confirm his information, Wayne called the State Board of Elections, Legal Department.  Wayne was indeed correct.  The Board got all racked out of shape when he told them he called the State Board of Election to confirm his information!  Wow, they all reacted like busy little bees scrambling to find the hive.  We can only guess that they do not want anything to do with the State Board of Elections.  If you're one of the good guys and gals that want to assure we have fair elections, then don't worry because we are going to call the State Board of Elections whenever we feel fit!  Got that, Chicago Board of Elections Commissioners?  If they don't do anthing then we'll just have to resort to our 1st Amendment Constitutional Rights!  And trust us, we are not afraid for one second to do it either.

A special viewing had to be set up.  Isn't that interesting, Wayne thought.  What was so special about looking at voters records, especially since everything he wanted to look at was public information?  The Board originally thought that Wayne wanted a copy, and at a buck a piece, it would cost quite a bit.  Wayne then had to tell them that he just wanted to view the information first, before purchasing anything!

Dealing with road block after road block with the Board when it comes to Wayne getting information, Wayne decided to hit the books and seek other ways to nail the violation of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.  Then it came to him in Section 10-4 of the Election Code.

The day of the "Special Viewing" was not needed so he called to cancel the thing but unfortunately, he called a bit late because he was working on the research until about 5:00 am and had to get a little sleep.  He was so exhausted that he slept past the viewing time.  He did apologize to the Board for not keeping the appointment.  (Note:  the appointment should not have been needed in the first place - the information he was looking for was indeed public information that anyone can look at!)

So now that Wayne had the section of Election Law that he needed, he created a database, the one you are about to view, to see the information pertaining to all the circulators.  From there he would be able to pinpoint where the infraction occurred.

Can you get your own copy of anyones petition?

Yes.  You can view or get a copy of any petition by going to the addresses listed below and paying a small fee.  Athough it should be noted that the Chicago Board of Elections charges more than 2 1/2 times what David Orr's Office charges.  It has come to be a profit center for the Board.

For Ward Committeeman Seats or other County Seats - Order your copy from 5th Floor, 69 W. Washington Street - David Orr's Office
For State level races visit the Thompson Center, 14th Floor, State of Illinois Board of Elections.

Why do you show a circulators address?

Since a circulator knows who you are when she/he knocks on your door because she/he finds your name in a "Poll Sheet" we feel that it is only fair that the voter has access to information as to whom they are and that includes their home address.

If you believe that the person who knocked on your door is not in the list then please tell us about it.  Write:

Database and related software is © Copyrighted 2007 - 2008 by Wayne A. Strnad.

Reproduction through any means is strictly prohibited and is considered a violation of copyright law.