Security Plus Hosting

The US Dollar Machine

29 Web Tricks



The Ticket

Wayne did receive a ticket for the material that was sitting on the apron to his garage (private property), despite the fact that he had called 311 and put in a special request for garbage pickup.  Here is a scan of the ticket.

The Ticket

The first step in trying to prove what you say is to get information from those you called.  In this case, a call to 311 was placed to ask for information about Wayne's call.  He had a specific reference number.

Here is the interim request for information from 311.

Photographic Evidence

Wayne had a couple hundred of photos showing violations that should have been written that day and chose a little over 75 as representative of the class.  How does the old saying go?  A picture is worth a 1000 words.

Wayne easily won the case.  Then he created a newsletter exposing more Streets and San atrocities.

The following is a pdf document and as such must be read using a pdf reader program.

The Newsletter



No ticket issued.

Here is a small sample of  garbage spewed across the alley and outside of the garbage container.  There are two violations here, one for open lid on the garbage can and two, garbage outside of the garbage can.  Cost of tickets:  $500 each or $1,000.  No ticket was issued.

No ticket for this one either.

Another $1000 fine?  No, not a single ticket was issued!  Of course, Johnson did make sure Wayne got one.