Wayne A. Strnad Fights against mistreatment of people

The information you are about to read is completely true and has been verified for accuracy.  It relates to a City of Chicago Streets and Sanitation site located at 3200 S. Kedzie.  That building houses both the Forestry Department and Sanitation Department.  It is the site where many garbage trucks park overnight and then start in the morning.

This is the story of one man named Fernando Mendez. 

Photo of Fernando Mendez



Baby in wombVaccine ScamDr Carley Poster

Puncture Wounds from IV's

Fernando lives with puncture wounds from the IV's that he must attach.

He also must use three life support systems to stay alive at night.

Fernando and coworkers

The city wanted to give him 40% disability pay.  Wayne entered the picture.  He now collects full disability.

You pay $30,000 per month rent on this building.

The truth of the matter is that you as a taxpayer are paying $30,000 per month for this building that has a multitude of violations. The Building Department was called in but they did nothing.